
Contact details

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Unless otherwise indicated, this Website and its contents are the property of Kyiv National Linguistic University.

The information placed on this Website by the University has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing selected information about the University, its subsidiary companies and organisations with which it is associated; and about the respective services which they offer.

The University does not make any warranty that information contained on this Website, or on any site linked to this Website, is complete, accurate or up-to-date; and the University is not responsible for the results of reliance on any such information.

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About this site

This is the Kyiv National Linguistic University's main public facing website.

Pages within this site will have addresses that look like this: www.knlu.edu.ua, www.knlu.edu.ua/page


This central site uses Google Maps.


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Contacting a webmaster

If you have any comments or suggestions about any of the University's websites, please use the contact link at the bottom of each web page.

Site Design

This central site was designed by Serhiy Horobets. It has been optimised for:
PC - Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome
Mac - Firefox and Safari

Київський національний
лінгвістичний університет

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03150, Україна
м. Київ-150,
вул. Велика Васильківська, 73

